Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Week of Gary (for Serious this time)

Did you hear that? Wait...wait a minute there it is again....*KERPLUNK*. That was Week of Gary falling to its miserable demise. Of all of my expectations (6 total), I completed half of one. But let me highlight a realization I arrived at last week.
  • Partying several nights leads to 1) inefficient workouts, 2) unhealthy late night binges, 3) loss of money.
Was it a fun week? Yes and no. But my continuing to feel immobile is unacceptable, repulsive to me. That said, let's try it again.

THIS time, I'm going to be in seclusion (b/c I sort of need a break from everything). I really want to test myself, see if the hard work I put into something can produce the results I want.
  • Still working out everyday
  • New song or two
    • Figure out some recording stuff
  • Catch up on reading
    • By doing some work at work
  • Get to the low 270s, preferably 270 itself (I'm at 279 right now after a few days of 283)
Gotta do it for me.